Wednesday, November 16, 2011

on yoga

Someone posted an article about yoga on my facebook fed today and which reminded me about a very recent convo with the S.I. My partner pretty much despises all things yoga, which is ok. I mean it is cool that he thinks it is silly and often send me links that some how scientifically prove that it is silly. I am not sure what he thinks this will accomplish or what is his point for mocking me on my praise of the practice. For me, yoga is not about the people, the culture or the lifestyle, it is about finding an activity or practice that helps me feel good about being me. I guess it upsets me that he somehow equates doing yoga with a certain type of person and that somehow it is a flaw of my personality that I love yoga. I have tried all types of exercises and they never hooked me like yoga does. Yoga gives me the sense that I can do anything, which is something I never got out of running, swimming, biking or dancing. I love all those activities (except running), but I have always felt not good enough or fast enough to be a serious practitioner. I guess because yoga really tries to connect the mind with the body I feel it is more beneficial then say a Pilates class. Sure mediation and talks about inner self can be and is silly for some, but it works for me. Sure it attracts a type a person. This doesn't take away from the fact that it inspires me to be a better person, to work hard on fixing my mind and body. It is completely cool to hate the practice, I respect that, but I will ask that you respect my decision to embrace the yoga practice.

Monday, November 14, 2011

hello again

It has been a while. My journey into self-acceptance went on a very long hiatus. Not all has been bad, for I attempted a full length triathlon, I biked 60 miles in one day, and have been putting some serious time into running. Due to financial circumstances, I can not go to my regular yoga haunts.  Of course one thing led to another and I am once again feeling like I am back to square one. Money or no money, I think attending a yoga class is essential to my well being.

Today is my first day back at my beloved studio and I am both excited and scared. I don't want to fail at this again. I don't want to give up on working towards a healthier me. I also started on a new diet that is suppose to be a lifestyle plan. But it's all so fucking tiring. I just want to go back to being productive and not feeling guilty all the time about what I eat or when I don't exercise.

I started this blog as a way to help me focus on the positive through yoga, but even I found the topic limiting. I am not all sunshine and flowers all the time and seeing that I have not successfully gone anywhere with my journey, maybe this blog will evolve into something else. We will see, but first yoga.